Arthur C. Clarke's Venus Prime


A fascinating paradox. She’s both fierce and funny, strong and vulnerable, mature and girlish. Like many young adults, a work-in-progress, still figuring out exactly who she is and what she wants, including the technology inside herself and the power/destiny she finds thrust upon her.

Personal Information
Please provide accurate and complete details, including phone number and email address. This information is crucial for us to identify you and reach out with any updates or further instructions regarding your submission.
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Agent Information
If you are represented by an agent, please include their full name, agency name, and contact details. This will allow us to communicate efficiently with your representative about your submission and any potential casting opportunities. If these categories do not apply to you, please enter N/A.
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Agent Full Name:
Agent Email:
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Other Required Information
This helps us assess your suitability for the role and ensures we have all the necessary information to make an informed decision.
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In what capacity? (Please select one)
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Your Audition
Please upload (YouTube, Vimeo) your audition video for the open casting call and share the link to it here. Ensure the video is clear and of good quality. This is a critical component of your application, allowing us to evaluate your performance and suitability for the role.
Link to stream audition video (no downloads accepted): *
Password to stream video (if required):